Quality model for improving efficiency in Ecuador's public institutions
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Introduction: Every public institution has a mission to provide quality care to the citizenry, but variations or limitations such as budget, accessibility, technological difficulties, among other factors hinder the efficiency of the institutions, which is why strategies must be sought to promote continuous improvement despite these difficulties. Objective: To present a quality model for improving the efficiency of Ecuador's public institutions, a model that takes into account the adversities these institutions are going through and that cannot incur large investments. Methodology: The model takes theoretical and historical research, so it will be a quantitative research when evaluating the situations faced by the public sector, but it will also be quantitative when trying to standardize with statistical models the results. The research will begin with the survey of the structure of the root problems through the application of surveys and interviews, forming a fishbone, and be analyzed with the Pareto diagram. Results: To present a model of continuous improvement that drives to improve the institutional image, but without incurring in too high investments that affect the budgets deducted with which the entities of the public sector count, the model will be focused in instruments of quality of zero cost like the 5s, identification and elimination of mudas, training and control of production either of products and services that the entity delivers. Conclusions: The public sector entities have always been seen as inferior based on different scenarios, but always catalogued as inefficient. The model presented seeks to change this paradigm so that the improvement does not entail expenses that are outside the pre-established budgets.
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