Quality of the accommodation service and customer perception through the Servqual model, in establishments of the City of Puyo
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This study revolves around accommodation establishments in the city of Puyo, registered with the Ministry of Tourism, which have a category that allows their operation and aims to measure satisfaction and quality of the service, a key aspect that contributes to positioning both the establishment and the destination, for this purpose a Servqual survey model was applied in the dimensions of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, trust and empathy, the correlation coefficient statistical methods and one-factor ANOVA analysis of variance were also proposed, to solve the hypotheses of the case, the results determined that the quality index reflects Tangibility as the dimension with the lowest average perception by the client, the general average of the 5 dimensions evaluated was calculated on a value of 4.06, which represents a 81.44% of customers who perceive a good quality service according to the degree of percentage 0 -100% of the Likert scale. It is concluded that the highest gaps with the perception of the client and their expectation are tangibility (-0.06), reliability (-0.06) and empathy (-0.05), being the points on which it is necessary to implement strategies quality regarding the analysis of the hypotheses, it is concluded that there is a correlation coefficient between the quality of the service and the customer satisfaction of 0.828 and a significant one of 0.01 and on the analysis of the multivariate correlation some dimensions of the Quality such as tangibility and responsiveness are not related to customer perception.
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