Promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation initiatives to bring young university students closer to the business world

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Edison Becerra Molina


The study is oriented towards the description of the administrative and academic processes in terms of the ideas, purposes and problems that revolve around entrepreneurship, for which it was necessary to develop projects, programs and an integrated plan for UCACUE, which allows to contribute to the development of the entrepreneurial culture in the training of professional leaders and entrepreneurs as one of the transversal axes of the University's processes, through the design of the institutional strategy for research, development, innovation and incubation and contribute to the construction of learning processes, based on the creation of added value in the curricular and extracurricular academic processes, considering the University policies linked to the sustainable development of the territory. Among the conclusions of the information collected with respect to the semi-structured interviews with the main authorities of the Catholic University of Cuenca, it allowed to determine that the dimension of the academic management model, in the Academic Units of the Catholic University of Cuenca, the three authorities coincide that there are policies, and that the University must promote entrepreneurship and innovation.

The purpose was to collect information from the main authorities of UCACUE, to carry out a doctoral research work in education, the interview was directed to the Authorities of the Catholic University of Cuenca, to improve institutional processes, which aims to build a theoretical-academic management model for the development of innovative entrepreneurship policies and programs at the Universidad Católica de Cuenca, which contributes to the professional profile in the different careers in correspondence with the economic-social demand of the territory of zone 6, in each one of the races.


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How to Cite
Becerra Molina, E. (2020). Promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation initiatives to bring young university students closer to the business world . Ciencia Digital, 4(4), 65-84.


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