Aprendizaje basado en proyectos para desarrollar la destreza de escritura en inglés como lengua extranjera
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Introduction. The Project Based Learning (PBL) method is proposed as a transcendental student-centered method that promotes cooperation and the development of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. ABP contributed to the procedure and, theoretically, to the improvement of writing skills and the teaching-learning process in the classroom. With this method, students interacted with other classmates and teachers; they developed knowledge and improved their writing skills. The mistakes made by the students of Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo in writing is the problem studied in this research Objective To determine the influence of the ABP method in the writing of paragraphs, short communicative messages, stories, emails and reports of ESPOCH students. Methodology. To obtain data, a questionnaire directed to teachers was used to understand their perspective on PBL respect to writing skill. To assess the writing level of the students, a Cambridge University PET test and its writing rubric were used. The last instrument, an observation guide, supervised the application of PBL in the classroom. Results The results obtained were compared between the Control Group and the Experimental Group, the improvement was 0.8 points more in the average score of the first group in relation to the second in the total qualification of the PET test, equivalent to 5%. The systematic observation showed an improvement in the average grade of 0.8 in the general average of the last project executed by the students, equivalent to 18%. In quantitative terms, teachers through a survey reported the benefits of the PBL method in writing skills. Conclusion. The application of techniques based on ABP significantly improved writing. This method and the results obtained with the applied instruments demonstrated the relationship between the variables studied.
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