Microscopic analysis of clinker to optimize the clinkerization process in a cement factory.

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Ana Gabriela Flores Huilcapi
Luis Santiago Carrera Almendáriz
Adrián Alejandro Rodríguez Pinos


The objective of this research was to optimize the clinkering process by means of microscopic analysis of clinker, to improve its quality, increasing C3S (alite) and diminishing C2S (belite) of its mineralogical composition, in cement factory. The clinker systematically tested for 12 weeks, was analyzed in the Quality Control Laboratory by microscopy. The interpretation of the texture, distribution and quantification of its mineral phases, let us to determine the stages of the clinkering process to be studied, as: Content of CaCO3 in the pre-homogenization of to the limestone, grinding and homogenization of raw, cooling temperature of the clinker and speed of the oven. The parameters of the processes were registered statistically by 6 weeks. This monitoring determines to adjust the parameters of quality as lime saturation factor on 94,20 and the grinding and homogenization of raw processes that keep on 20,44% Retained M:200 and 2,11 std, respectively, which produce a clinker with 56,17% C3S (alite) and 24,08% C2S (belite), average of mineral phases. As a result of the adjustment to 99,94 lime saturation factor, 18,25 Retained M:200 and 1,83 std in the grinding and homogenization of raw processes, respectively, in the following 6 weeks, it increases in 8 % of C3S and it diminishes in 10,13% C2S in its mineral phases, improving the quality of the clinker, because it develops better mechanical resistances of the final product as it is the cement.


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How to Cite
Flores Huilcapi, A. G., Carrera Almendáriz, L. S., & Rodríguez Pinos, A. A. (2020). Microscopic analysis of clinker to optimize the clinkerization process in a cement factory. Ciencia Digital, 4(1), 165-181. https://doi.org/10.33262/cienciadigital.v4i1.1090


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