Design of a process of production of citrus acid by computational simulation.
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The design of a citric acid production process from fermentation with Aspergillus Niger by computer simulation, was carried out with the use of SuperPro Designer software, the design parameters were established based on previous studies, which were entered into the calculation platform, subsequently the results obtained in the design were analyzed technically and economically, which allowed to determine an amount of citric acid production of 6 914. 69 ton / year, when using FOB prices (Free on board) you have an investment total of $ 31,460,000 together with a NPV (net present value) of $ 165,000 and an IRR (internal rate of return) of 8.05%, indicating that the project can be carried out and is profitable in a time of retribution 8 years old The process consists of two stages: fermentation and isolation, which must be carried out under the operating conditions (T = 25ºC and P = 1 atmosphere in most operations) and the optimal fermentation conditions for Aspergillus niger (T = 35ºC, pH = 5.8 and P = 1 atmosphere) that are suitable to obtain a quality product that can be offered in the national and international market. Finally, it is proven that the use of software allows technical studies to be developed without the need to resort to long periods of time with experimental laboratory tests, that is, it saves us: time, pre-design costs and errors.
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