Alternative assessment in the oral production of a2 level students.

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María Eugenia Rodríguez Durán
Porras Pumalema Sandra Paulina
Patricia Pilar Moyota Amaguaya


The research aimed to determine the use of alternative assessment in the oral production of A2 level students of knowledge regarding the English language. For which a thorough review of the theory that supports the alternative assessment concerning the traditional evaluation was carried out. The research has a scientific method with a quantitative approach and was carried out under an experimental field study since data was obtained from the control group (70 students) and experimental group (63 students) to which an intervention plan was applied. The population was represented by 133 second and third-level students of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the National University of Chimborazo. An instrument for data collection was applied, using a rubric that allowed to evaluate pronunciation and fluency as oral production criteria. The data obtained were tabulated, analyzed, interpreted and put to the chi-square statistical test to verify the hypothesis. From the statistical analysis, it was concluded that the alternative assessment positively affects and improves oral production in A2 level students after applying the techniques used for the context of the present investigation


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Durán , M. E., Sandra Paulina, P. P., & Moyota Amaguaya , P. P. (2020). Alternative assessment in the oral production of a2 level students. Ciencia Digital, 4(1), 34-53.


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