Diagnosis of teaching activities in language learning in children in basic education.
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The goal of the current research was performed through a diagnostic of didactic activities in language learning on children of sixth and seventh level of Educación Básica at “García Moreno” school, Batán neighborhood in Riobamba city. A set of didactic activities guided to assess language skills such us listening, reading speaking and writing were applied using: organizers, mindsets, sentence formulation, suggestion activities, dialogues, and so on. The research was focused on the application of a pedagogical process in English learning it is descriptive, field and explanatory that was applied in a population and sample of 5 teachers and 44 students with similar level of English language knowledge. Surveys and tests were applied for data collection as main techniques. Information gathered was tabulated and represented by statistical tables and graphs and then it was analyzed and interpreted. Diversification of activities were stablished through obtained results which permitted to motivate students in communication skills. It also serves as a baseline of the pedagogical process of the English language learning development for the application of proposals through oriented strategies at defining incidents or improvements
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