Dermatitis de Berloque: un problema estético en la dermatología moderna

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Rita Elizabeth Velastegui Hernández
Ana Elizabeth Tagua Moyolema
Victoria Estefanía Toasa Zumbana
Rommel Santiago Velastegui Hernández


Introduction. Berloque dermatitis is a skin condition characterized by the appearance of hyperpigmentation in sun-exposed areas caused by the interaction of cosmetic products containing furocoumarins with ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This condition, although not dangerous, has a significant impact on the patient's aesthetic and emotional well-being. Understanding its aetiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment is crucial to address both the physical and psychological aspects of the disease. Objective. The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive review of Berloque dermatitis, addressing its aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. It aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on how to prevent and manage this condition, as well as to understand its aesthetic and psychological impact on patients. Methodology. The research is based on an up-to-date scientific literature review on Berloque dermatitis. A comprehensive search of medical and scientific databases was conducted to identify relevant studies on the condition. The methodological approach includes the collection and analysis of data on the aetiology of the dermatitis, its pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostic methods and treatment options. In addition, aspects of prevention and the aesthetic and psychological impact of the disease were considered. The methodology focused on a critical review of relevant studies and articles to provide a comprehensive overview of the condition. Results. Berloque dermatitis manifests as hyperpigmentation on sun-exposed areas that have been in contact with photosensitizing cosmetic products. The lesions are usually brown, well demarcated and have a distribution that follows the application pattern of the products. Diagnosis is based on clinical history, physical examination and, in some cases, laboratory tests such as the photo patch test. Treatment includes prevention through education on the use of cosmetic products and sun protection, as well as the application of topical depigmenting treatments and, in severe cases, systemic treatments. Early intervention is crucial to minimize the aesthetic and psychological impact of the disease. Conclusion. Berloque dermatitis is a condition that requires a multidisciplinary approach for effective management. Prevention is key, and dermatologists should educate patients about the risks of photosensitizing products and the importance of sun protection. Effective treatment combines strategies to improve the appearance of the skin and address the emotional impact of the condition. A comprehensive approach that includes both physical treatment and psychological support can significantly improve patients' quality of life and help them cope with the challenges associated with Berloque dermatitis. General area of study: Medicine. Specific area of study: Dermatology. Type of study: Original articles.


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How to Cite
Velastegui Hernández, R. E., Tagua Moyolema, A. E., Toasa Zumbana, V. E., & Velastegui Hernández, R. S. (2024). Dermatitis de Berloque: un problema estético en la dermatología moderna. Anatomía Digital, 7(3.1), 23-45.
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