Autolytic attempt: protective factors and nursing interventions

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Valeria Geovanna Pombosa Villamarín
Jennifer Katherine Sinchi Guevara
Susana Padilla Buñay
Gabriela Elizabeth Damián Sinchiguano


Introduction. Attempted suicide represents the third cause of death among people aged 15 to 29 and most suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries. In the face of suicidal behaviors and behaviors, health professionals must work to promote protective factors that provide security for the sustenance of life and focus on minimizing predisposing circumstances, which may at some time precipitate lethal behaviors. Objective. Characterize protective factors and nursing interventions in primary prevention, monitoring and control of suicidal behaviors or a potential act of suicide. Methodology. The study was developed as a descriptive bibliographic review, including scientific publications available in databases such as Scopus, PubMed, SciELO, ProQuest, the Regional Portal of the Virtual Health Library, Dialnet and Redalyc. The search strategy integrated the use of Google Scholar and the search engines of each database. Results. Protective factors such as social support, positive family dynamics, emotional regulation and self-esteem are essential to prevent suicidal behaviors. Nursing interventions should focus on enhancing these factors through preventive actions from primary care, addressing education, early identification of risks and creation of support networks. In addition, it is necessary to establish standardized protocols, strengthen continuous training and promote a humanized approach. The therapeutic relationship, based on empathy and trust, is key to identifying risks, promoting healthy behaviors, and reintegrating patients into their community environments. Conclusion. Protective factors are essential in suicide prevention, while the nursing role focuses on implementing preventive strategies, strengthening therapeutic bonds based on empathy and trust, and managing risks effectively. General area of study: Health. Specific area of study: Nursing. Type of study: Original article.


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How to Cite
Pombosa Villamarín , V. G., Sinchi Guevara, J. K., Padilla Buñay, S., & Damián Sinchiguano, G. E. (2025). Autolytic attempt: protective factors and nursing interventions. Anatomía Digital, 8(1), 24-39.
Articulos de revisión bibliográfica


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