Impact of COVID-19 in Ecuador and proposal of a public prevention policy proposal

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Verónica Gabriela López Ullauri
Marco Eduardo Chasipanta Avalos
Adriana Elizabeth Campoverde Ávila
Luis Eduardo Pavón Rosero


Introduction, the emergence of a new infectious disease is always a complex situation, especially if it presents itself as an epidemic or pandemic of significant extent or severity, sarcov-2 later called covid-19 has had a significant impact on all economies. Objective: to expose the costs of the disease in its different stages of evolution and establish a clear prevention policy that makes us reflect on the emotional, psychological and economic consequences that this disease generated in its initial stages. Methodology. The research design was analytical-descriptive, cataloged as a field study, the methodology used was inductive deductive, in which information gathering techniques and surveys were selected and applied, which allowed the development of hypotheses: ¿a public policy of prevention? Of covid-19, will it allow the reduction of state spending? Is the cost of prevention lower than the cost of treating covid-19? In addition to carrying out the technical and statistical analysis of the patients in their different periods of evolution and the economic impact that these generate in each of the stages. Results. Asymptomatic and mild symptomatic: the costs represent 80.29 USD in a total of 14 days. Moderate symptomatic: cost per hospital stay per day 1465.76 USD in public hospitals and 1805.82 USD in private hospitals. Severe symptomatic: cost per hospital stay per day 1722.87 USD in public hospitals and 2122.58 USD in private hospitals. Conclusions: The limited economic capacity of the health systems exceeded the supply of both public and private hospitals with high costs that exceeded the economic capacity of the users; Strategic preventive models and inspection controls must be established as a public preventive measure for an adequate use of health resources.


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How to Cite
López Ullauri, V. G., Chasipanta Avalos, M. E., Campoverde Ávila, A. E., & Pavón Rosero, L. E. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 in Ecuador and proposal of a public prevention policy proposal. Anatomía Digital, 4(4), 97-111.