Auto-care of the main guard ed sick with cancer ed brain in times of COVID 19
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Introduction: He demands it from the auto-care in the human being, establish a need in quality and confrontation to the aggressions in the social and environmental midway, aspects that insufficiency of knowledge that affects the man evidences. Objective: Evaluating the risk factors for the auto-care of the main guard of sick persons with cancer of brain in time of COVID 19 based in the Theory of the deficit of the auto-care of Dorothea E. Orem. Methods: The descriptive transverse observacional, in the Surgical Teaching Hospital accomplished a study itself Faustino Perez Hernández of Matanzas, Cuba, Barrel, provincial Neurocirugía's service in the period understood from March to September of the year 2020.Univer under, relatives in terms of main guard of 13 sick persons managed of malignant injuries of brain. Sociodemográficas, deficit of knowledge of auto-care and perception of risk studied variables themselves. Criteria of inclusion: Relatives identified like main guard of patients with cerebral, resident cancer in the provinces, having accepted the informed consent, and come true ethical principles. Opinion of exclusion the guards of nontax sick persons to disease. Results: The feminine gender with 84.61 % predominated the age bracket from 40 to 49 years in 30.76 % coincides. The 92.30 %, of the main guards have ignorance of the auto-care in front of the COVID 19 . Conclusions: In front of the epidemiologic situation caused by the COVID 19 the guards in mail to the difficulties identified through the interchange and development of the actions, enlarged and they integrated knowledge on the perception of risk with the pandemia that channels a tall index of contamination, in order to preserve your own and sick person based on the instructions of the nurses auto-care.
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