Pregnant universitary women and the factor that influences their progress and academic performance

Adolescent pregnancy in Ecuador is a higher percentage where the Ecuadorian Institute of statistics and censuses shows in 2014 43.3% of pregnant women taking into account that they are under 15 years old and 3% young ladies of 17 years old and breasts of 18 to 19 years and according to the reports of every 43% adolescents from 12 to 19 years old are mothers. Family planning allows couples to have a greater opportunity to reflect on their children and to facilitate a better development of the economy since family planning is part of the child survival effort because there are cases that some adolescents cause early pregnancy or some children arrive every year or unwanted children are prone to abandonment or neglect that can reach abortion. The new state study encourages promote free access to contraceptives and other drugs to combat pregnancy and go with sex education classes to provide better knowledge about sex although contraceptives are not very safe to combat pregnancy the implant account more safely and prevent teenage pregnancy.Pregnancy is a health problem as universities tend to fall and more and more universities in each region tend to get pregnant, however it is a problem that brings difficulties in academic performance. This study is based on a reality of the single mothers and fathers of the universities who deserve to follow the study in the equator since it raises the creation of university nurseries so that mothers can graduate if no problem due to pregnancy.

Efraín Velasteguí López


Prediction of oil and aluminum prices using stochastic differential equations

In the globalized today’s world, uncertainty shows up in the modern’s economies performance. This condition influences directly on these economies, because of that, the propensity to suffer the market’s different variables’ fluctuations’ consequences is an unquestionable fact. The commercial and financial opening that distinguish the modern economies on a global context has encouraged the appearance of uncertain sceneries where the risk plays a starring role. This situation requires de implementation of programs to administrate risk with financial conflict’s impact reduction views that attempt against the different economic authors’ stability.

Generally, small and open economies present specific characteristics that makes them very vulnerable against economic financials unbalances, amongst them, price variation. That is why; to manage the exposure to prices volatility generates a growing need for financial protection.

Cuba enters in this type of economy highly exposed to the given variations in the international scenery. This vulnerability goes deeper with the existence of the economic and financial embargo imposed by the United States. Due to this situation, it is highly beneficious to the island to count with tools to reduce to the minimum risk, and optimize the making decisions’s process on the external commerce’s related questions.

Flavia Panelas Ramos, Camilo Rivera Rodríguez, Karen Santos Fernández
