The law of jurisdictional guarantee as a principle of transparency and citizen control over the administrative functions exercised in the municipality of the Riobamba city

Introduction.  The article studies the application of the jurisdictional guaranteed law as a principle of transparency and access to public information and governance of the entities that make up the Decentralized Autonomous Government of the Riobamba canton where public functions with administrative powers are exercised, they provide public services and receive funds. public to operate carrying out their activities under any legal title. The obligation that these entities must provide the responsible administration with information directly related to the public activity they carry out is analyzed considering the doctrine issued by the commission to guarantee the right of access to public information of the city of Riobamba. Objective.  The article aims to explain the cases related to administrative processes that, after the COVID-19 pandemic, have taken different approaches, considering that the technological implications have been a key factor in the administrative process and verify if the jurisdictional guarantee has been involved. by the law of transparency and citizen control. Methodology.  The document corresponds to a documentary investigation where the analysis of this hypothesis, the study has been of a mixed type, under a field character. Likewise, a semi-structured interview was carried out with a random sample of users of the administrative processes executed within the institution, through the Delphi, deductive and exegetical method. Results.  The study showed that the lack of professionals specialized in constitutional and administrative matters has resulted in the incorrect administration of jurisdictional guarantees. Conclusion. It was concluded that it is necessary to have judicial units specialized in constitutional matters in the municipality of Riobamba, so that they know and resolve only jurisdictional guarantees.

Gabriela Yosua Medina Garcés, Jenny Lilian Yuqui Hernández, Tanya Dolores Martinez Villacres, Paul Jonathan Carvajal Medina


Analysis of pollution dispersion in water bodies by leachates from the from the Curgua garbage dump, Guaranda – Ecuador

Introduction: the final disposal of municipal solid waste is a current environmental and sanitary problem. Objective: the objective of the research was to analyze the dispersion of contamination in bodies of water by leachates from the Curgua garbage dump, Canton Guaranda - Ecuador. Methodology: water samples were collected at different points: at the entrance to the freshwater body located 60 m from the source, which is point 2; then at 500 m, 1.5 km, 2 km and 3 km. The analysis was carried out in triplicate for 3 weeks. Physical-chemical analyses were performed according to HACH methodology. The dynamics of the concentration of the main compounds was determined according to the sampling points. Results: the values of the main statistics of the quality parameters analyzed the average, standard deviation and coefficient of variation are presented. It was found that as the distance from the point of origin increases, the values of the parameters decrease partially, but persist, which causes the constant presence of contamination in the freshwater body. Conclusions: There is a correlation between some parameters, due to the type and physical, chemical and biological composition of the waste generated. This fact increases the risk of maintaining and even increasing pollution in times when the generation of solid waste can be directly influenced. General area of study: Environmental Sciences. Specific area of study: Waste management and disposal. Type of study: Original article

Katherin Jhomayra Torres Murillo , Juan Gaibor Chávez


Reducing inequalities and the Ecuadorian university: A capabilities approach

Introduction: Universities are responsible for producing and disseminating knowledge, which is key to freedom and equity in knowledge economies; however, its access and distribution are influenced by the power and interests of those who control it, which causes inequalities. Objective: To analyze how the Ecuadorian university contributes through research to the fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goal [SDG] 10, reduction of inequalities, based on the capabilities approach and the concept of human development. Methodology: The study used content analysis to review 178 normative documents including statutes, Strategic Institutional Development Plans [PEDI] and research guidelines corresponding to 62 universities, in which fragments that promote people's capabilities and generate instrumental freedoms were identified. Results: 72.54% of the analyzed fragments prioritize educational quality and human development, with a notable emphasis on instrumental freedoms such as social opportunities (60.27%) and guarantees of transparency (13.85%); however, there is a low interest in economic and social protection aspects, suggesting that, although there are efforts to promote equal opportunities, there are still critical areas that require attention. Conclusion: Ecuadorian universities contribute to the promotion of capabilities and freedoms that contribute to human development and the reduction of inequalities. General area of study: Higher education Specific area of study: Capabilities approach.

Santiago López Zurita, Diana Garcés Toro, Guido Gavilanes Jurado, Sara Camacho Estrada


Experimental methods to promote pre-professional practices in vocational technical high school students

Introduction: Experimental methods are essential for vocational technical high school students because they provide skills, techniques, and abilities. Through them, students can check pre-professional practices to obtain work skills in accordance with the current market. Objective: Prepare a proposal for innovative experimental methodologies that optimize the pre-professional practices of students, thus promoting their comprehensive development in the educational, work, and social context in the “Dr. “Odilón Gómez Andrade.” Methodology: The research was descriptive on the problem of deficiencies in the use of experimental methods necessary to strengthen pre-professional practices. The quantitative approach was used, the methods used were inductive-deductive and analysis. To collect information, the following techniques were applied: observation, interview and survey of technical high school students and teachers. Results: The results indicate that after the use of experimental methods, students have changed their perception regarding pre-professional practices. However, challenges are also highlighted, such as the need for teacher training in the implementation of various methods, techniques, and strategies in the students' learning process. Conclusion: The research is feasible and relevant. It proposes solutions to the needs of students in conducting experimental methods to obtain better learning, allowing them to improve their pre-professional practices.

Brígida Aracely Zambrano Moreira, Eliana Adelaida Cordero Vélez, Luis Manuel Maceo Castillo, Ramón Guzmán Hernández
