Reducing inequalities and the Ecuadorian university: A capabilities approach
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Introduction: Universities are responsible for producing and disseminating knowledge, which is key to freedom and equity in knowledge economies; however, its access and distribution are influenced by the power and interests of those who control it, which causes inequalities. Objective: To analyze how the Ecuadorian university contributes through research to the fulfillment of Sustainable Development Goal [SDG] 10, reduction of inequalities, based on the capabilities approach and the concept of human development. Methodology: The study used content analysis to review 178 normative documents including statutes, Strategic Institutional Development Plans [PEDI] and research guidelines corresponding to 62 universities, in which fragments that promote people's capabilities and generate instrumental freedoms were identified. Results: 72.54% of the analyzed fragments prioritize educational quality and human development, with a notable emphasis on instrumental freedoms such as social opportunities (60.27%) and guarantees of transparency (13.85%); however, there is a low interest in economic and social protection aspects, suggesting that, although there are efforts to promote equal opportunities, there are still critical areas that require attention. Conclusion: Ecuadorian universities contribute to the promotion of capabilities and freedoms that contribute to human development and the reduction of inequalities. General area of study: Higher education Specific area of study: Capabilities approach.
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