Corporate social responsibility and technology: survival factors of restaurant microenterprises

Introduction. The issue of social responsibility in the world has gained great relevance, in addition to being guided by international organizations, this concept refers to the relationship that a company has with society, regardless of its size, or the activity it conducts. Objective. Analyze corporate social responsibility and technology as survival factors of restaurant micro-enterprises. Methodology. Documentary research, bibliographical type. Results. CSR is a voluntary commitment that organizations accept, towards the development of society and the conservation of the environment and its purpose is to deal with the relationship between the organization and society, it is conceptualized through four elements: the economic dimension, the legal dimension, the ethical dimension, and the dimension of philanthropic responsibilities. Conclusion. CSR grants several values to organizations, in addition to becoming a competitive advantage, which is aimed at motivating workers, making them identify with each of the projects aimed at social improvement, in addition to creating a pleasant organizational climate. Likewise, through the application of CSR, it is possible to increase productivity and its financial image, and the communication between the organization and the market flows perfectly. On the other hand, the role played by science, technology and innovation for the economic, social and cultural development of nations, through which the integration of the world is achieved, and which collaborate closely so that CSR can give better results, that benefit the organizations, but also fulfill their commitment to benefit all those involved in this process, from its human talent to the clients and society where it operates.

Elizabeth del Carmen Calderón Quijije, Wayky Alfredo Luy Navarrete, Guillermo Roberto Abad Alvarado


Effectiveness of the online model in the graduation of students from the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador

Introduction. The goal of a college student is to graduate. Regardless of the duration of the university degree, the student has the right to graduate without any discrimination after fulfilling all the academic merits that the University requires, although it is true that these statistics are common domain in universities, the Characteristics associated with student dropout and graduation correspond to aspects that can be intervened in universities to increase permanence and graduation. Objective. The present research work was developed with the objective of evaluating the effectiveness of the online model in the graduation of students of Administrative Sciences from the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador, which had normally been face-to-face. Methodology. It consisted of descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of a group of 302 people, including students and tutors of the nine non-current careers enabled for the registration of titles of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the University of Guayaquil, Ecuador, to whom an online survey was formulated using Google Forms and made up of seven questions. Using the Spss Statistics software, the collected data was contrasted. Results. The results obtained demonstrated the effectiveness of the online model in the graduation of students through the previous activities, development, and evaluation. Conclusion. The effectiveness of the online model at the higher level increases the probabilities of graduation for students who, due to their jobs and demographic and socioeconomic conditions, cannot continue face-to-face higher education.

Gianella Priscila Giler Valverde, Wayky Alfredo Luy Navarrete, Jesús Merino Velásquez


Current advances of the Iot and its various applications

Introduction. The Internet has managed to generate great advantages by potentiating the interaction between people and the transit of information in the world, that is when the Internet of Things or IoT (Internet of Things in English) emerged, it began to develop in the mid-90s, In this way, the objects of the physical world or the virtual world are identified and in turn are integrated into networks that allow information to be connected, which can be dynamic or static. Objective. The objective of this research is based on analyzing the different advances of IoT and the various applications they have today. Methodology. A documentary-type methodology is used through a bibliographic review that allows elucidating the most relevant aspects of IoT. Results. The great evolution of IoT, has allowed a number of network interconnections to different devices that, thanks to the internet, allow them to develop their capabilities to expand services, these equipment such as desktop computers, servers, tablets and smartphones have been created to form part of this interconnection network and that is why they are capable of processing, storing, expanding connectivity to other devices of daily life such as sensors, automobiles, electrical appliances, among others, making these objects capable of interacting with people generating and exchanging relevant data. Conclusion. It is essential to recognize the power of the internet and networks that allow this human-thing, and machine-machine interaction, allowing to optimize processes, achieve innovations in various areas of life, and in various sectors such as at the industrial level to achieve improvements in production processes, speed and quality products, at an educational level, creating diverse and advanced learning environments that facilitate understanding through more dynamic environments, providing connectivity from anywhere at any time.

Albert Joao Nieto Pacheco, Yomayra Elizabeth Villegas Pilay, Johanna Ivonne Galarza Alay


Implementation of the simulation for the improvement of production processes

Introduction: Goods and services companies, to stay competitive, need to adapt and/or make continuous changes in the philosophy of industrial management, changes that bring uncertainty, so the simulation of industrial processes allows analyzing different scenarios that improve productivity and decision making. Objective: to evaluate the implementation of the simulation for the improvement of the productive processes. Methodology: it is proposed as a basic type of theoretical research, with characteristics that place it as a documentary, descriptive, non-experimental research, where there is no manipulation of variables based on the analysis of work information of a scientific nature in the field of productivity, Results: Different studies show that the simulation allows evaluating different scenarios, factors, proposal, Lean Manufacturing methods, at a low cost for the organization, obtaining data that allows improving decision making, changes in the guidelines in the productive processes, as well as the improvement product of the optimization of the processes. Conclusion: the effect of the implementation of the simulation in the improvement of the productive processes from a documentary theoretical perspective, the simulation has a positive and significant effect when developing a proposal, scenarios, in the evaluation of uncertainty and decision making., allowing to improve production processes.

Alexis Miguel Velásquez Jama, Betsy Olvera Moran


Importance of information systems to make better business decisions

Introduction: information systems are currently changing the way organizations operate. By automating the operational processes that are conducted in every company, great improvements are obtained, because they provide information to support the decision-making process and facilitate the achievement of competitive advantages through its implementation within the organization. Objective: This research aims to analyze the importance of information systems to make better business decisions. Methodology: It was conducted under a documentary investigation. Results: it was obtained that 68% of SMEs in Ecuador do not have any way of obtaining information by systems, that is, they conduct their work in an empirical way. This shows a low level of use of information systems in their processes, by not using professional software for the management and use of information. This limits the use of the Internet, which directly affects the quality of the information generated for decision-making and, of course, its competitiveness. Conclusion: It is concluded that it is immediately necessary to introduce information systems and professional software for process management, knowing that it directly affects the quality of the information generated for decision-making and, of course, its competitiveness.

Samuel Alberto Pazmiño Linares, Ronny Pedro Carriel Sevillano, José Luis Mosquera Viejó


Formative research and core processes integration in undergraduate integral education

The following research shows the results of the implementation process of the management for the integration of core processes in undergraduate programs at the Catholic University of Cuenca through formative research as a way of integration and its contribution to the integral education for undergraduate programs, from the conception of a qualitative-quantitative, prospective research design, based on participatory action research, establishing the relation between the analysis categories that were declared in the study and the results obtained from the execution of the formative research process during an academic term in an undergraduate course of a higher education institution. The application of a survey designed and validated for this purpose made it possible to collect the criteria of the teaching staff regarding the adequacy of the formative research processes within the management for integration. The resulting information allowed to conclude after the descriptive and inferential statistical analyzes the incidence of this type of research training in the joint work of teaching, research and social responsibility and its contribution to the integral education of students.

Rafael García Abad, Mercedes González Fernández Larrea, Lorena González Campoverde


Influence of managerial performance on the organizational climate of public institutions in Ecuador

Introduction. Public educational institutions in Ecuador are always in constant change and even more so after the pandemic due to COVID 19, where virtual education reigned, and because of this modality of study it caused delays in learning. In this sense, part of the teamwork to make the desired changes move forward is closely related to the managerial performance model. Objective. It is based on evaluating the influence of managerial performance on the organizational climate of public institutions in Ecuador. Methodology. It was based on a documentary-type bibliographic design. Results. The institutions dedicated to education have faced fabulous changes at the level of public policies, laws, and regulations to achieve continuous improvement in the quality of education, which also implies quality in leadership and in the performance of those involved. Conclusion. Teacher performance is related to various aspects that affect the behavior of the group and the work environment, with special attention to managerial performance, since a good leader can achieve great advances within his teaching group. It is important to be clear about the administrative conditions that a public educational environment must know its advantages and disadvantages, as well as its weaknesses and strengths, to achieve the greatest possible benefit from the skills, knowledge, and performance of everyone. teacher within the institution.

Judith Mary Viejó León, Gladys Lola Lujan Johnson, Betty Maribel Delgado Bonilla


Case report: gastric dilatation volvulus and bile peritonitis in a 5-month old canine

Introduction.  Gastric volvulus dilatation (GDV) in dogs is an acute, life-threatening and emergent syndrome, while biliary peritonitis is a rare condition whose prognosis is usually dependent on the underlying cause. Objective.  To describe the diagnostic and therapeutic protocol applied in the case of a canine patient with anorexia and acute abdominal dilatation. Methodology.  By radiography, the patient was diagnosed with probable GDV and initial stabilization was performed with fluid therapy, oxygen therapy, gastric decompression by percutaneous trocarization and orogastric tubing. The patient remained stable after this initial management, but after 72 hours, he presented free fluid in the hepato-diaphragmatic region, attributable to biliary peritonitis. During surgical resolution, necrotizing cholecystitis and congestion in the square lobe were evidenced, so cholecystectomy and partial hepatic lobectomy were performed using harmonic scalpel (ETICON GEN 11). A closed active drain was placed and the patient remained in hospital for three days with antibiotic treatment, analgesia and gastric protectors, for his subsequent discharge home. Results.  Ten days after initiating home management with antibiotic therapy, analgesia and gastric protectors, the patient presented adequate cicatrization and was discharged home. The adequate pre-surgical stabilization together with the post-surgical management (by means of wound antisepsis and pharmacological therapy) were fundamental for the resolution of the clinical case in spite of the complication that biliary peritonitis could have caused. Conclusion. In GVD patients it is essential to evaluate blood pressure and lactatemia as relevant factors to improve the post-surgical prognosis. In addition, it is essential to consider alterations in other organs and evaluate them to rule them out (such as biliary peritonitis in this case). 

Alejandro Oswaldo Montalvo Balarezo, Juan Carlos Armas Ariza, Amanda Dayana Chacón Jordan


Balanced Scorecard of human capital of public health institutions

Introduction. In the last decade, the influence of human capital in organizations has been evident. This set of mechanisms has generated superior performance in companies that is evident in their sustainability. Human capital is an inducer of professional business development skills necessary to sustain the productivity of the human factor and its sustained growth. General objective. Analyze the influence exerted by the balanced scorecard on the human capital of public health institutions in Ecuador. Methodology. Through an online survey that was answered by a representative sample of 355 administrators and doctors attached to Zonal Coordination 3 of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador. This instrument was structured by a scale for measuring management control and measuring human capital. The variables were founded using hypothetical deduction and logical historical analysis. Results. A relationship between the variables is evident: management control and human capital within public health institutions. conclusions. Due to its classification as a state organization, there is an acceptable level of management control, however, a deficient level of human capital development.

Juan Gabriel Saltos Cruz, Rubela Lorena Velasco Naranjo, Marcelo Fernando Viteri Villa, Sandra Elena Saltos Cruz
