Current advances of the Iot and its various applications

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Albert Joao Nieto Pacheco
Yomayra Elizabeth Villegas Pilay
Johanna Ivonne Galarza Alay


Introduction. The Internet has managed to generate great advantages by potentiating the interaction between people and the transit of information in the world, that is when the Internet of Things or IoT (Internet of Things in English) emerged, it began to develop in the mid-90s, In this way, the objects of the physical world or the virtual world are identified and in turn are integrated into networks that allow information to be connected, which can be dynamic or static. Objective. The objective of this research is based on analyzing the different advances of IoT and the various applications they have today. Methodology. A documentary-type methodology is used through a bibliographic review that allows elucidating the most relevant aspects of IoT. Results. The great evolution of IoT, has allowed a number of network interconnections to different devices that, thanks to the internet, allow them to develop their capabilities to expand services, these equipment such as desktop computers, servers, tablets and smartphones have been created to form part of this interconnection network and that is why they are capable of processing, storing, expanding connectivity to other devices of daily life such as sensors, automobiles, electrical appliances, among others, making these objects capable of interacting with people generating and exchanging relevant data. Conclusion. It is essential to recognize the power of the internet and networks that allow this human-thing, and machine-machine interaction, allowing to optimize processes, achieve innovations in various areas of life, and in various sectors such as at the industrial level to achieve improvements in production processes, speed and quality products, at an educational level, creating diverse and advanced learning environments that facilitate understanding through more dynamic environments, providing connectivity from anywhere at any time.


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How to Cite
Nieto Pacheco, A. J., Villegas Pilay, Y. E., & Galarza Alay , J. I. (2023). Current advances of the Iot and its various applications. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1), 58-74.


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