Balanced Scorecard of human capital of public health institutions

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Juan Gabriel Saltos Cruz
Rubela Lorena Velasco Naranjo
Marcelo Fernando Viteri Villa
Sandra Elena Saltos Cruz


Introduction. In the last decade, the influence of human capital in organizations has been evident. This set of mechanisms has generated superior performance in companies that is evident in their sustainability. Human capital is an inducer of professional business development skills necessary to sustain the productivity of the human factor and its sustained growth. General objective. Analyze the influence exerted by the balanced scorecard on the human capital of public health institutions in Ecuador. Methodology. Through an online survey that was answered by a representative sample of 355 administrators and doctors attached to Zonal Coordination 3 of the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador. This instrument was structured by a scale for measuring management control and measuring human capital. The variables were founded using hypothetical deduction and logical historical analysis. Results. A relationship between the variables is evident: management control and human capital within public health institutions. conclusions. Due to its classification as a state organization, there is an acceptable level of management control, however, a deficient level of human capital development.


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Saltos Cruz, J. G., Velasco Naranjo, R. L., Viteri Villa, M. F., & Saltos Cruz, S. E. (2023). Balanced Scorecard of human capital of public health institutions. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1), 141-143.


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