Effects of bullying on teenagers

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Pablo Homero Velasteguí López


Bullying is evident in the school environment, this type of violence is carried out by the same students, whether among peers or not, their behaviors are intimidation, harassment, threats, ridicule or insults. In this research, we analyze violence in adolescents and can focus mainly in what is produced in the school environment. In the first place we were able to take into account the concepts of aggressiveness, violence, and other related ones. Next, we reviewed and we were able to compare some researches that are more prominent about the incidence of bullying; to then be able to reflect on the causes and circumstances that facilitate and help maintain this type of behavior. We have the capacity to suggest some lines that facilitate the action of different social instances that are directed towards their prevention.

Usually there are people who always resort to violence and aggression to dominate their peers or to try to build new conflicts is very common in our cultural framework we can understand that violent and aggressive behaviors are not part of proper behavior for daily coexistence. Also, among other things, aggressions can lead to the repression of a conflict, society also comments that sometimes violence appears to be very sensitive in certain manifestations, such as youth violence, or gender violence, etc. Specifically in recent decades, the media has highlighted the news related to adolescent violence specifically, with that which occurs in the school environment.


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How to Cite
Velasteguí López, P. H. (2019). Effects of bullying on teenagers. ConcienciaDigital, 2(2), 6-16. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v2i2.940


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