The internal migration of peasants to urban areas in Ecuador

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Yolanda Tatiana Carrasco Ruano


At present there are studies of internal migrations in Ecuador that show that in order to understand the field-city migrations, it is necessary to understand the factors that lead the peasants to make a risky decision for him 88or her and for the rest of his family, factors between those who understand the instability of their habitual or traditional way of life, the enclosure of communal lands and in definite, the destruction of their means to survive and sustain themselves. That is, people from rural areas leave the camps because they assume that their living conditions will improve in the cities, because in these they will find at least better access to basic services that they lacked in the countryside. 40.5% of Ecuadorians reside in a different place than their birth, the people who make a migratory movement are basically adults with low level of education and usually dominate Spanish. 87% of migrants who do not have any years of education move to cities with an average level of schooling, these people migrate without being sure of getting a job, they simply move in the hope of accessing a higher salary than in the area of origin. However, once inside the cities they face problems such as limited access to housing due to the high cost of rent, as a consequence of that, it forces them to relocate to marginal areas, which causes an increase in the perimeter of the cities.


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How to Cite
Carrasco Ruano, Y. T. (2019). The internal migration of peasants to urban areas in Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 2(3), 65-79.


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