Theoretical bases - concepts of tourism management in unprotected natural spaces

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Yudemir Cruz Pérez
Juan Ernesto Gutiérrez Leyva


The purpose of the work was to establish the theoretical - conceptual bases of the tourist management in unprotected natural spaces; for which three stages were developed: the identification of theoretical nuclei, the modeling of the management and the classification of the spaces, by means of methods and techniques, so much of the theoretical level as of the empirical one, of this last one were very important the realization of a Forum online and the use of a group of experts. From the research it turned out that the natural spaces are the forms acquired by the geographical space, with bases defined according to the biotic and abiotic elements, which are supposed to have not been modified by man, however, it is very difficult the existence of clearly wild spaces. The protected areas are delimited by other unprotected natural spaces, where resources and attractions exist that can generate centrality for the promotion of tourist activities. The conceptualization of unprotected natural spaces and the modeling of tourism management in they contemplated three essential axes: visitor flows, actors and their management, which leads to their development as recipient territories. The proposed classification for unprotected natural spaces, structured into three levels and nine categories, which were adequate, efficient and of a high degree of simplicity and scientificity, for its implementation ractic, according to the criteria of experts, with many years of experience in their work and concordance in the criteria issued during the assessment.


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How to Cite
Cruz Pérez, Y., & Gutiérrez Leyva, J. E. (2019). Theoretical bases - concepts of tourism management in unprotected natural spaces. ConcienciaDigital, 2(3), 23-37.

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