Rural tourism management model in the Kichwa community of Pandanuque

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Yessenia Silvana Manya Grefa
Guido Olivier Erazo Alvarez
Jorge Edwin Ormaza Andrade


Introduction. The management model of rural tourism in the Kichwa community of Pandanuque is of vital importance to improve tourist activities and promote economic development. Rural tourism, which has consolidated in Ecuador in recent decades, is an important source of economic and social development. The Kichwa community of Pandanuque, situated in a culturally and naturally rich environment, is a potential tourist destination that could benefit from an effective management model to optimize the well-being of its inhabitants. Objective. The general objective of this research is to design an integral management model for rural tourism in the Kichwa community of Pandanuque that promotes sustainable development and improves the quality of life of the inhabitants. Methodology. The research focuses on the economically active population of the Kichwa community of Pandanuque. It is non-experimental and cross-sectional in nature. Data were collected through surveys of 86 people, using quantitative and qualitative techniques. The responses were analyzed to identify the perception of the management model and rural tourism. Results. The results show that the majority of respondents consider rural tourism crucial for the economic development of Pandanuque. Handicrafts stand out as the main opportunity for economic development, followed by sustainable tourism. Regarding tourist attractions, gastronomic tourism is the most relevant. The community strongly supports the implementation of an effective management model to maximize the benefits of rural tourism and ensure its sustainability. Conclusion. The Kichwa community of Pandanuque has great tourist potential that, with an adequate management model, can be developed to boost economic development and enhance the living conditions of its inhabitants. Gastronomic and community tourism are presented as the main attractions, and handicrafts stand out as a viable opportunity for economic progress. General area of study: Business Administration. Specific area of study: Project Management


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How to Cite
Manya Grefa, Y. S., Erazo Alvarez, G. O., & Ormaza Andrade, J. E. (2024). Rural tourism management model in the Kichwa community of Pandanuque . ConcienciaDigital, 7(2.1), 93-110.


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