Business plan for the creation of a company of integral solutions for buildings through the use of home automation technology in the city of Cuenca – Ecuador

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Andrea Melina Muñoz Calle
Jorge Lugo García
Jorge Edwin Ormaza Andrade


Introduction: This project analyzes the use of home automation as control and automation of building functions, such as lighting, air conditioning and security. In Ecuador, home automation only began to be explored in 2008, therefore it is a relatively new and unknown market that can be reached through the ventures that are an essential sector in the Ecuadorian economy together with the construction sector, especially In Cuenca, there is a trend towards the construction of high-rise buildings with luxury finishes and smart home systems. Objective: The objective is to develop a business plan to determine the feasibility of creating a company of integral solutions for buildings in the city of Cuenca - Ecuador through the use of home automation technology and the acceptance that it will have will be determined. Method: Regarding the methodological orientation, a quantitative approach design was achieved with an exploratory and descriptive orientation, since it focuses on demonstrating the feasibility of the creation of the company. In addition, a cross-sectional, non- experimental and non-probabilistic approach was used, in addition, a review and analysis of the literature was carried out, including scientific articles and the current Ecuadorian Legislation in terms of its scope of tax, corporate and labor application. For data collection, the survey technique was applied and a questionnaire addressed to a sample of the economically active population of the city of Cuenca, province of Azuay, Ecuador, was obtained. Results: the results indicated that the company of integral solutions for buildings is viable and has a good acceptance. Conclusions: Although the use of home automation technology still has a way to go in Ecuador, there is a growing evolution and acceptance in the region. The acceptance of a company of integral solutions for buildings through the use of home automation technology in the city of Cuenca will vary according to the degree of knowledge and adoption of the technology in the city, the quality of the products and services, the personalization and adaptability to the customer needs, and competitive price.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Calle, A. M., Lugo García, J., & Ormaza Andrade, J. E. (2023). Business plan for the creation of a company of integral solutions for buildings through the use of home automation technology in the city of Cuenca – Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.3), 122-149.


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