Pre-feasibility study for the creation of an alcoholic beverage marketing company in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador
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The objective of this project is to determine a pre-feasibility study for the creation of a commercialization of alcoholic beverages in the avenue Remigio Crespo of the city of Cuenca, with the purpose of satisfying the needs of consumers and that it is aimed at all people over 18 years of age at 65 years old. To support this project, different types of techniques were used that allowed a better analysis and interpretation of its pre-feasibility. Subsequently, the aspects corresponding to the market study were analyzed, a technical study where the size and location of the project was determined, as well as the administrative study identifying the organizational structure and roles and responsibilities and the commercial viability that resulted in a positive available market and therefore an acceptance of potential consumers; therefore, it is feasible to carry out this project.
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