Use of polyhexanide in the management of post-surgical wounds in felines (Felis silvestris catus)

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Daniel Andrés Castro Pacheco
Nathalie del Consuelo Campos Murillo


Introduction. Post-surgical infections are currently a topic on the rise due to different causes such as resistance to common drugs, failures in asepsis or problems in the post-surgical recovery of the patient. In turn, the use of systemic antibiotics is a controversial issue where their exclusive use predominates in really necessary cases, and if possible avoid their use. The alternatives for the control of post-surgical infections are few and often difficult to apply depending on the case. . Goal. Evaluate the use and efficacy of 0.1% polyhexanide (Prontosan Gel ® - T1) being a chemical product for human use with antiseptic, moisturizing, antibacterial and healing properties; in contrast to the use of a natural product for veterinary use such as 100% Manuka (Kruuse Manuka G ® – T2). Methodology. This study was observational and comparative with an experimental design assigning each drug a treatment group with 15 female felines (Felis silvestris catus) undergoing the OVH surgical procedure (Ovarian hysterectomy) at the "VET911" veterinary clinic in the city of Guayaquil and documenting their progress with each treatment for 21 days. Results. Under this study it was shown that in patients treated with Prontosan was a greater control of the bacterial load present in the incision, a shorter healing time than the T2 group and a remarkable stability in terms of inflammation, itching and pain on palpation by part of the T1 group. Conclusion. The polyhexadine for human use showed superior healing capacities than the drug for veterinary use when favoring the regeneration and healing of post-surgical wounds, a fact that is scientifically extraordinary.


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How to Cite
Castro Pacheco, D. A., & Campos Murillo, N. del C. (2022). Use of polyhexanide in the management of post-surgical wounds in felines (Felis silvestris catus). ConcienciaDigital, 5(4), 44-55.


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