Retrospective view of animal cancer

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Alexandra Elizabeth Lara Pérez
Edy Paul Castillo Hidalgo


Introduction. Animal cancer and its development throughout the time has showed a significant difference among yesterday, today, and tomorrow, whose transversal axis seeks to extend and improve pet’s quality life Objective. this is why this research aims to elaborate a bibliography retrospective view of well recognized authors, about animal cancer and its several meanings, which main objective is to contribute with a theoretical well founded baseline to build new knowledge and at the same time to motivate and induce the discovery of new parameters able to diagnose the current patient situation to propose new therapeutic options since it is well- known that nowadays there are treatments or protocols oriented to recovery, keep or extend well-being of the cancer pet or to make a final decision such as euthanasia with the participation of all parts involved the veterinary doctor and the pet owner. Methodology. Used was inductive since it starts from general facts to achieve conclusions with a qualitative approach of a documentary type and bibliographic review. Results: At the end of the bibliographic analysis, it is determined that there are several nationally and internationally renowned authors dedicated to the fascinating study of animal cancer and whose thoughts, criteria, analysis, proposals are consolidated in this document called "Retrospective view of animal cancer"; whose purpose is synthesized in improving the quality of life of cancer patients, reducing their convalescence and suffering when opting for traditional treatments, adjuvants or euthanasia Conclusions: Finally, it is concluded that there are not many studies of animal cancer compared to human cancer and that, on the contrary, in ancient times these treatments were adapted to the needs of pets, we must consider the advances in science and technology proposes the practice of various types of traditional treatments all aimed at improving and protecting the life of pets, considered as one more member of the family with their own rights and not as a simple animal; Thus, with this bibliographic compilation, it is intended to contribute to the development of new research in search of improving the quality of life of cancer patients and their families.


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Lara Pérez, A. E., & Castillo Hidalgo, E. P. (2022). Retrospective view of animal cancer. ConcienciaDigital, 5(3), 221-233.


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