The brand "ESPOCH Latin American Polytechnic for fair trade", as a response to the consumer market.

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Ligia Maricela Niama Rivera
Ruth Genoveva Barba Vera
María Lorena Villacrés Pumagualle


Introduction: The tendency to improve social and environmental conditions on the planet has made possible the emergence of people with a high degree of co-responsibility in consumption, who are looking for products that are linked to socially and environmentally ethical production processes. Objective: To propose the analysis of the acceptance of the brand ESPOCH, “Politécnica Latinoamericana por el comercio justo,” which aims to measure at what level consumers are willing to accept a brand that reflects the essence. Methodology: For this purpose, a digital survey was conducted, a representative sample of polytechnic students was considered, the correlation of iconicity, structure, and incidence that the brand has implicitly with the level of acceptance was determined, independence of the variables used the Chi Square statistic, the symmetrical measures used to measure the strength of correlation were Pearson's Phi and Cramer's V. Results: These indicate the presence of positive correlation, with a low level of strength in most cases. This can be understood by the fact that fair trade is a new commercial activity, which determines the need to raise the level of consumer awareness. It is necessary to expand the digital channels, where the application of ICT can contribute to meet this need. Discussion: The language of the brand turned out to be independent of acceptance, it is usually subjective, and the consumer hardly stops to interpret the logo "it is necessary to understand the context of the meaning of the brand as objects endowed with symbolic meanings" Conclusion: From the results obtained, it can be said that the brand "ESPOCH Politécnica Latinoamericana por el Comercio Justo", has been accepted by consumers, but partially, it is subject to a process of recognition and validation.


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How to Cite
Niama Rivera, L. M., Barba Vera, R. G., & Villacrés Pumagualle, M. L. (2022). The brand "ESPOCH Latin American Polytechnic for fair trade", as a response to the consumer market. ConcienciaDigital, 5(3.1), 275-288.


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