Festivities of the child's pass "King of Kings" in Riobamba in times of pandemic
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Introduction. This research work has as its primary focus the study of popular cultural manifestations related to religion and the city of Riobamba, a religious tradition with more than 100 years of history that due to a global pandemic has had to be paralyzed, in the month of December of the year 2021 the faithful devotees of the Child "King of Kings" who is currently owned by the Mendoza family. Objective. Tribute to the Sacred Child Image "King of Kings" with ceremonial acts in the "Loma de Quito" temple, with dances where traditional characters participate, serenades to strengthen the faith of the faithful devotees. Methodology. This research has an ethnographic methodology, with a qualitative and field research design applying the observation technique and an information organization file instrument that served to establish the order of the celebration developed in 11 days, also worked with the table of Hierarchical Taxonomy of the Popular Cultural Manifestations of Chimborazo for the selection of the manifestation object of this study that is Magic / Religion. Result. Registration tables of the development of religious activities for 11 days with photographic evidence that demonstrates the devotion of the faithful despite being in a time of pandemic. Conclusion. Finally, popular cultural manifestations have been determined as expressions or products of a popular cultural system, in terms of religious festivities that are expressions of popular religiosity and identity reference in our territory, the celebration in honor of the child "King of Kings” of the city of Riobamba, values converge, not only religious, but also cultural, social.
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