Optimization of the casting process through the reverse and additive engineering process of a small displacement engine head

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Edgar Fabián Sánchez Carrión
Edison Patricio Abarca Pérez
Elvis Enrique Arguello


Introduction: In the manufacturing industry of parts and parts in the automotive industry, it has been poorly developed in our country, which is why government policies have been created such as the ministerial agreement N 14 264, which seeks to expand the range of manufacturing products. national for the automotive industry. Objectives: The objective focuses on obtaining the model and the parameters of the manufacturing process to obtain a model through reverse engineering; to achieve a high-quality and economically viable prototype. Methodology: The chosen manufacturing process is sand casting, which is a process that allows us to obtain complex figures with high quality and affordable cost, for this it is necessary to make the element, the procedure applied is a scanning process, which the result is a point cloud, to later transform to a mesh and obtain a solid element obtaining the initial characteristics of the process. Results: With the characteristics of the molding process, through iterations, having an error of 0.39% for a flow rate of 0.17285433 kg/s; And the sprue channel has a frustoconical shape having an upper sprue diameter of 16.73 mm, and a lower sprue diameter of 10.21 mm. Conclusions: We use additive manufacturing for the casting process once the values ​​described above were obtained so that the casting is optimal, obtaining an economic calculation so that our process is competitive in relation to quality vs. cost.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Carrión, E. F., Abarca Pérez, E. P., & Arguello, E. E. (2022). Optimization of the casting process through the reverse and additive engineering process of a small displacement engine head. ConcienciaDigital, 5(3.1), 236-253. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v5i3.1.2249


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