Information literacy in the staff that works in the public library of Calceta

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Olga Lucia Avellan Delgado
María de los Ángeles Ormaza Pincay


Introduction: Information literacy is an imperative need within institutions and labor and educational activities, which requires specific and well-structured training, so that it can be an effective tool within professional development. Objectives: To determine the level of informational literacy of the staff and directors who work in the Public Library of Calceta. Methodology: The methodology used for the development of this study the methodology used was descriptive with an operating model where the action is intended to obtain a response. In the same way, it is based on field research, of the interview and survey type, since it provides precise and specific information on the problem that is being studied, once the data was obtained and analyzed, it was possible to determine that a large part of the library staff is not able to identify the information needs of users, in the same way several of them do not know or manage the sources of information that currently exist. Results: As a result, it was possible to achieve that the library staff needs training and education in information literacy. Conclusions: This research highlights the urgent need for library staff to have constant training on topics of interest, and that will be reflected in the level of user satisfaction, and in the construction of an information literate society.


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How to Cite
Avellan Delgado, O. L., & Ormaza Pincay, M. de los Ángeles. (2022). Information literacy in the staff that works in the public library of Calceta. ConcienciaDigital, 5(3), 6-24.


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