The hospital library in the emotional state of caregivers of children. (Verdi Cevallos Balda hospital case. 2020).

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Melanie Fernanda Vargas Pincay
María de los Ángeles Ormaza Pincay


Introduction. This article is carried out in order to publicize how the hospital library affects the emotional state of the caregivers of children, taking into account that they are important when it comes to taking care of them when they are isolated in said home health, being necessary to carry out an analysis to see what these people do while the children are in this state. Objectives: The general objective of this research is to analyze the incidence that the hospital library has on the emotional state of the caregivers of children at the Hospital Verdi Cevallos Balda 2020, this purpose brings with it the specific objectives of diagnosing through the observation guide with the Likert scale the emotional state of the caregivers of the children, in addition to encouraging reading as entertainment in the caregivers of the children through reading therapy and the use of the hospital library and finally examining the impact caused by reading strategies and the use of the hospital library in the emotional state of the caregivers of the children. Methodology. The methodology implemented was descriptive, with a qualitative-quantitative approach. At the same time, the observation and survey sheet technique was used. The population was 25 people, there was no sample since 100% of the community was used. Results. The results were important since they let the hospital community know how necessary it is to read to have a better emotional state when their patients are afflicted in a hospital bed, since reading is a therapy. Conclution. It was concluded that the reading strategies implemented in the hospital favored the emotional state of the hospital community.


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How to Cite
Vargas Pincay, M. F., & Ormaza Pincay, M. de los Ángeles. (2021). The hospital library in the emotional state of caregivers of children. (Verdi Cevallos Balda hospital case. 2020). Anatomía Digital, 4(4), 35-48.

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