Strategic planning in the teaching management of an Ecuadorian higher education institution

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Arturo Francisco Ordoñez Peña
Wayky Alfredo Luy Navarrete
Jesús Merino Velásquez


Introduction. In most universities, one of the most complex problems is planning the activities of their administrative and teaching staff, in addition to the monitoring and control that must be exercised to achieve good management in these areas. Objective. Analyze strategic planning in teaching management of Ecuadorian higher education institutions. Methodology. The methodology used was based on a non-experimental design with a cross-sectional scope. Results. The results obtained allowed to establish that there is a direct and high incidence, because the Spearman coefficient was 0.926 with a degree of significance of P value 0.000 < 0.01, concluding that there is an incidence between strategic planning and the quality of teaching management in the institution of higher education. Conclution. The dimensions used in the independent variable such as the prospective, strategic and operational component, made up of the mission, vision, strategic values, preparation of objectives and development of plans and goals, have a direct and significant impact on the quality of the teaching management of the institution.


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How to Cite
Ordoñez Peña, A. F., Luy Navarrete, W. A., & Merino Velásquez, J. (2022). Strategic planning in the teaching management of an Ecuadorian higher education institution. ConcienciaDigital, 5(1.3), 68-88.


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