Comparative study of the somatotype of sports performance in boys and girls from Colombia and Ecuador

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Carlos Alberto Sevilla Abarca
Lenin Esteban Loaiza Dávila
Paola Andrea González Castro
María Fernanda Naranjo Guevara


Introduction. Sports gymnastics has been for many years one of the most popular sports in children, as a process of initiation to sports practice, since the importance of this sport is given by the technical skills that children develop, the variety of motor actions, combination of movements and the level of development of physical abilities. Objective. To compare the somatotype of initiation gymnasts from Colombia and Ecuador. Methodology. Non-experimental quantitative study by comparative descriptive scope and of short transversal, applied in a sample of 100 gymnasts subdivided in 2 groups each one of 50 gymnasts from Colombia and Ecuador to which weight, height; folds and bone diameters measurements were collected; following the protocol of the International Society for the development of kinanthropometry. Body mass index (BMI), nutritional status, total body fat and biotype (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy and Ectomorphy) were determined. Results.  Colombian children presented lower values of BMI total body fat, as well as predominance of endomorphy and mesomorphy, compared to Ecuadorian children. Conclusion. Colombian gymnasts have lower body fat than Ecuadorian children, the predominant biotype in Ecuadorian children is mesomorphic, observing a lower endomorphic component the older the age (6 to 7 years).


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How to Cite
Sevilla Abarca, C. A., Loaiza Dávila, L. E., González Castro, P. A., & Naranjo Guevara, M. F. (2023). Comparative study of the somatotype of sports performance in boys and girls from Colombia and Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 799-811.


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