Academic stress and education in virtual classrooms in university students

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Emily Pamela Salazar Padilla
Karen Cristina Ojeda
Xiomara del Rocío Tabares Rosero
María Belén Morales Jaramillo


Introduction. During student life, university students have been exposed to various changes, especially in recent years where pressure and lack of adaptation to virtual education have triggered various repercussions within their mental health, mainly related to stress, is affecting their academic performance. Virtual education has shown weaknesses such as the lack of time for the development of autonomous work, the lack of updated computers and the internet, and the weakness in the methodology and didactics on the part of teachers for the access and use of certain technological resources, platforms, or the development of jobs. These indicators, together with the reality of the COVID 19 pandemic, have significantly increased levels of stress in general and academic. Target. Analyze if the virtual academic context is generating stress in university students. Methodology. A mixed approach is applied since we seek to analyze, describe the relationship of academic stress with education in virtual classrooms, a descriptive design, a field, and bibliographic modality since the information was collected from primary sources. Results. According to the findings, the students present high levels of stress associated with the problems that arise when using virtual classrooms. Conclusion. There is a relationship between academic stress and education in virtual classrooms, which is why it is necessary to apply intervention strategies that allow the prevention and reduction of academic stress in students.


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How to Cite
Salazar Padilla, E. P., Cristina Ojeda, K., Tabares Rosero, X. del R., & Morales Jaramillo, M. B. (2023). Academic stress and education in virtual classrooms in university students. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 551-565.


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