Teacher training in relation to diversity and inclusive education

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Mirella Margarita Gaibor Sangache
Diana Alexandra Machay Negrete
María Belén Morales Jaramillo
Jorge Rodrigo Andrade Albán


Introduction. This article aims to understand the challenge of current education focused on the conception of diversity and inclusion according to the axes of justice and inclusion established by society. An educational system which promotes care without discrimination and prioritizing respect for their rights. Taking as a starting point the approach to teacher training, as main instigators of inclusion within the classroom and the training center, applying a work aimed at addressing diversity. Target. To know different perspectives of teachers towards diversity and inclusive education, in addition, identify the level of training and knowledge they acquire in the professional course. Methodology. Data was obtained through the teacher training questionnaire on the inclusion of education professionals -CEFI-R. A sample of 65 teachers from the Technical University of Ambato was taken. Results. The results in the 4 proposed dimensions, dimension of conception of diversity 69% show positive attitudes towards diversity, methodological dimension determines that 72% use an adequate methodology, support dimension shows that 69% of teachers provide support to their students and community participation dimension 86% establish collaborative work between the school, its agents, family, and society. Conclusion. It has been concluded that teacher training within the Technical University of Ambato is aimed at developing an education that values, respects differences, and enriches the teaching-learning process. However, promoting the exercise of inclusive education at a general level is complex since the canton of Ambato is in the process. Few have been the institutions willing to establish inclusive schools.


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How to Cite
Gaibor Sangache, M. M., Machay Negrete, D. A., Morales Jaramillo, M. B., & Andrade Albán, J. R. (2023). Teacher training in relation to diversity and inclusive education. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 474-488. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v6i1.4.2009


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