Measuring instrument: literacy process in elementary school students

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Elena del Rocío Rosero Morales
Silvia Beatriz Acosta Bones
Milena Aracely Estupiñán Guamani
Jeanneth Caroline Galarza Galarza


The subject is focused on the need for Educational Units where poor phonological and comprehensive reading problems are evident, showing errors in the interpretation of the text, writing that presents lack of directionality in its features, illegible letters, confusion in letters due to form, orientation and directionality in the lines of the same, misspellings, inappropriate use of capital letters and small letters, all these premises have caused difficulties for the students of Basic Middle to be able to write using appropriate grammatical rules, thus hindering academic performance. On the other hand, the students show demotivation in the classes, since the lack of interest in reading makes them limit themselves to expand knowledge that only comprehensive reading achieves in their cognitive abilities. The article is based on measurement instruments that facilitate the teacher to know in a diagnostic way the literacy process in students, taking into consideration the process, levels and sublevels of the same. The observation files constructed were validated in the SPSS program, where they show that the three instruments are a reliable means of collecting information for the teacher as a measuring instrument that helps determine the literacy process in middle school students.


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How to Cite
Rosero Morales , E. del R., Acosta Bones, S. B., Estupiñán Guamani , M. A., & Galarza Galarza, J. C. (2023). Measuring instrument: literacy process in elementary school students. ConcienciaDigital, 6(1.4), 251-265.


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