Effect of cracks on the tensile strength of A36 steel welded joints by means of numerical simulation

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Carlos Oswaldo Serrano Aguiar
Marcelo Esteban Calispa Aguilar
Marco Antonio Ordoñez Viñan
Luis Santiago Choto Chariguamán


Introduction: The most critical discontinuities that occur in welding are cracks, showing a high concentration of stresses and therefore a reduction in the loads that can be applied to welded joints, the construction standards for pipeline transportation systems such as API 1104 are very strict regarding the acceptance of these discontinuities, but only with an empirical foundation. Objective: Determine the influence of the length of the cracks on the yield stress of joints welded with ASTM A36 steel, using numerical simulation by finite elements. Methodology: A qualitative analysis was carried out to determine the load that can be applied to pipes joined by welding, the independent variables are the thickness of the pipe, the length of the crack and the diameter of the pipe. Commercial pipes are selected from 101.4 to 508 mm (4 to 20 inches) in nominal diameter, with 3 thicknesses schedule 40, XS and 80, in addition, two cracks are introduced in the surface of the welded joint of 2 and 4 mm in length, the geometric model was made using Solidworks software and the static analysis with finite elements was carried out using ANSYS software, the results were analyzed in SPSS with the multiple linear regression method. Results. The independent variable with the greatest influence on the dependent one is the diameter of the pipe, followed by the length of the crack and finally the thickness of the pipes, this measured by the correlation between the variables and the stepwise regression model. Conclusion: All the variables have a linear behavior and directly proportional to the allowed force applicable to the welded joint.


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How to Cite
Serrano Aguiar, C. O., Calispa Aguilar, M. E., Ordoñez Viñan, M. A., & Choto Chariguamán, L. S. (2021). Effect of cracks on the tensile strength of A36 steel welded joints by means of numerical simulation. ConcienciaDigital, 4(4.2), 77-100. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v4i4.2.1948


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