Structured programming algorithm, focused on the detection and intelligent counting of vehicles at an intersection

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Edwin Fernando Mejía Peñafiel


Introduction. The use of Matlab is approached through the creation of an algorithm with structured programming, implementing a software that determines the presence and classification of vehicles that pass through a road through a camera, considering it a traffic problem at peak hours. Objective. To propose an algorithm coded in Matlab that allows to recognize through a video the different cars on a road according to their dimensions. Methodology. The implemented methodology is a hybrid between software development and intelligent systems development. 8 tests were carried out to establish if the algorithm presents us with the expected results in the recognition of different cars, using tools and functions that come with Matlab. Results. The applied algorithm gives a margin of error of plus minus 8%, but to reach this it had to go from an error in the first test of 80% to 7.5% of it, since it is still necessary to make some adjustments in the performance of the algorithm with respect to the dimensions of the vehicles, especially when we have more of them and of different types. Conclusion. The importance is that based on this intelligent application, you can process videos that are captured from a camera at the intersection of the roads, with this you can obtain vehicular flow with up to 92% effectiveness, classification of vehicles daily and at peak hours . I consider that it is a very useful tool so that the problem of vehicular flow has a solution.


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How to Cite
Mejía Peñafiel, E. F. (2021). Structured programming algorithm, focused on the detection and intelligent counting of vehicles at an intersection. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3), 141-155.


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