Application of the BIM management methodology in the water conduction channel of the Chiticay - Paute irrigation system

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Chica Guzmán Carlos Adrián
Diego Fernando Coronel Sacoto


Introduction: This research investigates the most relevant programs used in the BIM management methodology worldwide to manage civil projects in terms of linear infrastructures, this information allowed to propose the implementation of this methodology in the management of the irrigation system Chicticay-Paute to optimize the cost of the work with the efficient use of material and human resources. Objective. Obtain information from bibliographic sources and experts distributed in Europe and America on the tools used for BIM management in civil construction processes focused on drinking water networks. Methodology. It began by conducting a survey of different BIM, hydraulic and road specialists who are involved in this type of management from different countries in Europe and America to verify which are the most accessible tools and which gives the best results for the development of the third, fourth and fifth dimension of project management. In addition, a bibliographic review is carried out on investigations that implement the BIM methodology to complement the data presented by the experts and verify the level of maturity in the use of these tools in different countries. In addition, a section of the canal was modeled and the exact items were quantified to optimize the resources and time of the aforementioned irrigation system. Results. From the data obtained by the research tools and the bibliographic review, it was found that BIM technology reduced the costs of executing works for the reconstruction of the canal by 13.08 dollars in the 20 meters analyzed, while, in the 17 km that owns the total dimension of the channel is calculated a saving of $ 11,118.00 dollars. In addition, time is optimized in the design and construction in the change of the hydraulic section of the channel. Conclution. It is concluded that the BIM methodology is suitable to be applied in several irrigation systems in the province of Azuay to save resources and interconnect several management processes in a single collaborative system in real time.


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How to Cite
Carlos Adrián, C. G., & Coronel Sacoto, D. F. (2021). Application of the BIM management methodology in the water conduction channel of the Chiticay - Paute irrigation system. ConcienciaDigital, 4(3), 6-21.
Author Biography

Diego Fernando Coronel Sacoto, Universidad Católica de Cuenca

Universidad Católica de Cuenca


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