Preparation of the Development Plan and Territorial Ordering Case of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Calpi 2011 (Parish development competence)

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Eduardo Xavier Centeno Parra
Giovanny Javier Alarcón Parra
Jose Gabriel Pilaguano Mendoza
Charles Paul Viscarra Armijos


A proposal for the development plan and territorial ordering of the decentralized autonomous government of the parish of Santiago de Calpi focused on the competence of parish development was elaborated, According to the MDUV (2018) the main tool for planning development and territorial ordering at decentralized levels they are the PDOT. The PDOT is a management instrument to optimally channel economic resources allowing a correct investment that the parish, together with the autonomous decentralized cantonal and provincial governments, began the investigation with the participation of the presidents of the communities and neighborhoods where The problems of the parish were analyzed through consultation tables, surveys, interviews, in conclusion based on the competence of the parish development, the following programs were determined, monitoring the fulfillment of PDOT goals, updating program of quality indicators of life in the rural sector, participatory development planning program, inter-institutional management program, program to strengthen agricultural-productive peasant organizations, and finally, the multi-year plan of minimum goals falls, investment matrix assigned by participatory budgeting in the instances d and citizen participation and the multi-year budget execution plan.


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How to Cite
Centeno Parra, E. X., Alarcón Parra, G. J., Pilaguano Mendoza, J. G., & Viscarra Armijos, C. P. (2021). Preparation of the Development Plan and Territorial Ordering Case of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Calpi 2011 (Parish development competence). ConcienciaDigital, 4(2.2), 21-39.


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