Norm ISO 9001 in the process of qualification in an oil maintenance company

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Washington Edy Santillán Marroquín
Maria Cristina Araque Salazar
Diocelina Guanochanga Oña


Introduction. The dynamics of human talent processes in modern organizations make them increasingly professional, through the contribution and contribution of quality systems such as ISO 9001. In the training process, apply the standards of this quality standard It is a real challenge for human management leaders, since application, evaluation and monitoring tools must be considered in this process. Objective. Evaluate the impact of the "Training Plan" on the Company, through the application of the ISO 9001 Standard, to demonstrate its application, evaluation, return on investment and the effective monitoring of training in its employees. Methodology. The research design was in the field, the data is collected at the job site. The sample consisted of 10 full-time workers from the administrative, financial, accounting and human talent departments, surveys and interviews were conducted to collect data that consisted of 5 items, it was validated by criteria of specialists in human talent, qualifying validity, relevance and consistency. Results. Among the most frequent results, 75% know the ISO 9001 standard and its effectiveness in human talent processes (87.5%), recognize and validate its effectiveness in the training process (100%), show that the standard ISO 9001 in training, generates motivation, has a positive impact on the work environment and promotes healthy competitiveness. Conclution. It applies in a practical way the concepts of this quality certification with continuous improvement in all its processes, which entails a better interrelation with customers and the best corporate results.


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How to Cite
Santillán Marroquín, W. E., Araque Salazar, M. C., & Guanochanga Oña, D. (2021). Norm ISO 9001 in the process of qualification in an oil maintenance company. ConcienciaDigital, 4(2.1), 35-51.


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