Implementation analysis of the parish territorial planning in the canton Sigsig, Province of Azuay

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Luis William Chiriboga Altamirano
Marco Benigno Avila Calle
Yonimiler Castillo Ortega


Introduction: Several authors define local development as the consequence of a structured planning where economic, social, natural, political and administrative aspects are analyzed; to this is added the existing legal regulations within the Ecuadorian territory that generates the mandatory nature of planning through the elements called Development and Land Management Plans (PDOT). Objective: To determine the effects of the implementation of the PDOTs on local development in the parishes of the Canton of Sígsig in the period 2014-2014.   Methodology: A quantitative and qualitative approach and the application of the theoretical and empirical method through surveys were used. Results: From the analysis carried out in each of the six parish governments, it was determined that they comply with the elaboration of the PDOTs and the generation of plans, programs and projects; however, these proposals differ in practice, since these proposed projects are not executed, and inequity is observed in the planning and execution. The projects that were carried out were minimal in relation to the proposed projects, generating discontent among the population to the point of indicating that there has been no environmental, social, economic and administrative development in their territories and the little that has existed has been at the initiative of the inhabitants because they do not feel that they have benefited from the Conclusions: Local territorial planning is carried out as part of a legal requirement but not for purposes related to local development, economic growth, environmental care or improvement of governance. In the planning processes, the population does not participate in their own development, highlighting the high lack of knowledge of the population about planning, projects to be implemented and their investment, which has been carried out only in certain areas and few beneficiaries.


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How to Cite
Chiriboga Altamirano, L. W., Avila Calle, M. B., & Castillo Ortega, Y. (2021). Implementation analysis of the parish territorial planning in the canton Sigsig, Province of Azuay . ConcienciaDigital, 4(2), 74-93.


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