Learning English through comics strips in Ecuadorian higher education.

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Lorena Maribel Yumi Guacho
José Luis Andrade Mendoza
Yajaira Natali Padilla Padilla


Introduction. Meaningful learning has a great impact on the teaching and learning process in the English language, this study encourages the participation of foreign language students and language teachers to optimize the oral and written production of the English language in the understanding of genuine pedagogical material during the creation of comic strips and English writing. Objective. Demonstrate the motivation of students at the higher level for language development. Encourage the creation of illustrative material to promote foreign language proficiency. Promote oral production through activities such as storytelling and communicative writing. Methodology. The research was conducted through two methods, the first one was based on the qualitative method in order to establish the improvement in language learning. The second approach focused its quantitative model to determine the exact number of students who exceed learning expectations. Results. The meaningful learning approach applied in the present study showed that the level of English in higher education students were conducted with ideal results, since it allowed to determine how to maintain interest in developing communication strategies and improving writing and oral language skills. In the collection of information sources, it was necessary to apply questionnaires, surveys and oral evaluations in the English language, since they allowed obtaining accurate results. Conclusion. It was concluded that the construction of unique material represented a great advance for the significant learning of the foreign language, cooperative work and the educational model based on experiences lived by university students allowed the implementation of a unique model when making their own comic strips.


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How to Cite
Yumi Guacho, L. M., Andrade Mendoza, J. L., & Padilla Padilla, Y. N. (2021). Learning English through comics strips in Ecuadorian higher education . ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.2), 286-298. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v4i1.2.1594


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