The story: didactic strategy for reading comprehension
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Introduction. This study was based on an analysis carried out on elementary basic general education students of the Mario Cobo Barona Educational Unit, due to the fact that they had difficulties when reading and understanding, a situation that was associated with low academic performance, low motivational classes and traditionalists limiting the student's creativity and intellectual growth. Objective. Strengthen the capacity for reflection, analysis, comprehension, argumentation and synthesis of the texts read. Methodology. The work had a mixed, empirical, descriptive and analytical approach, which allowed by means of the application of instruments to identify the main causes of this problem. Results. As the main results, it was obtained that 60% of the students did not consider reading as an alternative for improvement and enjoyment, 25% sometimes do so with comic books or stories. 82% of the students mentioned that the classes are not motivated by interesting readings according to their age, and 75% indicated that after the short readings the teachers ask questions about the text, but that in long readings they prefer to send essays or writing, in this way history was established as a didactic strategy framed in motivation, reading comprehension and material resources that in a simple, practical way and according to the age of the student. Conclusion. It was concluded that reading comprehension is fundamental in the reality of the classroom, in all areas of knowledge and in the different school stages and that the motivation to read involves a series of efforts that can be executed through didactic strategies such as the story.
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