Introduction. According to (Michelsen et al., 2016, p. 17). whom have determined four dimensions of sustainability: economic, social, cultural, and environmental; the same ones that are not mutually exclusive and can reinforce one another? Methodology. Based on this, the following investigation is of an exploratory-descriptive nature, focusing on recreational spaces and green areas within the city of Cuenca, thus achieving equity in future projects between professionals and those outside the branch of what encompasses architecture, projects focused on all types of people, with the identification of the respective indicators based on methodological guides such as: Methodological Guide, Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative (2016)., ISO 37120 (2014)., Sustainable Development Goal 11 (2019)., making sure cities and human settlements are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Additionally, the respective evaluation tools such as: Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology, BREEAM (2012)., Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency CASBEE (2012)., LEED v4.1 Cities and Communities (2020). For the approved indicators, a score was made based on Sufficiency, Clarity, Relevance and Coherence methods through a spreadsheet designed and, a process of expert judgment, who based on their experience and expertise contributed conclusively.