Sustainable indicators for Cuenca city: access to public equipment- recreation
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The International Development Bank, through their initiative for emerging and sustainable cities, proposes some aspects for a city to be sustainable; Cuenca, due to its characteristics, is considered an intermediate city, a model of economic, social, and cultural growth. The present work do an exploratory-descriptive investigation to determine sustainable indicators of Access to recreational public equipment suitable for Cuenca through the analysis of: Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, Methodological Guide-Emerging and sustainable Cities Initiative, Sustainable development of communities-Indicators for city services and quality of life- ISO 37120, Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency for Cities, Guide: Cities and Communities-Plan and Design, BREEAM Communities Technical Manual, from which internationally proposed indicators are extracted, which are subjected to a qualification process through the experts judgment in the area and to a content validation process where it is determined if they are applicable in the Cuenca city, finally the evaluation of one the indicators obtained randomly is carried out. All the indicators subjected to qualification and evaluation are applicable for the Cuenca city, however, with the evaluation of one of these indicators we can know the current state of the city in certain sustainable aspects. The application of sustainability indicators during the planning of all recreation projects will contribute to make the Cuenca city more sustainable every day; with an environmental, economic, and social balance will be achieved; Likewise, all professionals linked to planning, execution of works, maintenance, etc. should also be promoted.
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