Feasibility study of training programs for women of Fundación Avanzar in Cuenca, Ecuador.

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Daniela Angelica Tepan Cochancela
Edwin Joselito Vasquez Erazo
Jorge Edwin Ormaza Andrade


Introduction: The evaluation of the effectiveness of training programs for women, such as those of the Fundación Avanza, is crucial to empower beneficiaries and ensure the success of their enterprises. This study seeks to establish the effectiveness of these programs, addressing a wide variety of issues of importance for women’s entrepreneurship and ensuring adequate decision-making. Objective: To evaluate the viability of the training programs for women of the Fundación Avanzar in Cuenca, Ecuador, in order to improve their skills, competencies and opportunities in personal and professional development. Methodology: We used a nonexperimental research design of transversal and descriptive nature, combining qualitative and quantitative techniques. A sample of 70 female entrepreneurs benefiting from the 2023 period was analyzed, evaluating satisfaction, impact on entrepreneurship and training preferences. Results: The programs received high satisfaction ratings, especially in areas such as Marketing and Patronage. The training demonstrated a significant impact on the improvement of the enterprises, with a notable reduction in the rate of failures in the enterprises among the trained participants. The preference for women is for mixed courses covering technical skills, personal development and entrepreneurship management. Conclusions: The training programs implemented are effective in improving the skills and success of women’s enterprises. However, obstacles such as lack of support and fear of failure were identified. It is recommended that programmes be adapted to meet the changing needs of women entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite
Tepan Cochancela, D. A., Vasquez Erazo , E. J., & Ormaza Andrade, J. E. (2024). Feasibility study of training programs for women of Fundación Avanzar in Cuenca, Ecuador. ConcienciaDigital, 7(2.1), 26-47. https://doi.org/10.33262/concienciadigital.v7i2.1.3035


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