Disability: definition, regulations and context
Main Article Content
Introduction. The article analyzes at first the differences between deficiency, disability and handicap, an analysis of the legal framework of Ecuador in terms of disability is presented, it also provides a contextualization of disability in the Ecuadorian environment. The objective of this research is to contextualize the issue of disability in Ecuador through the analysis of various variables in order to understand the progress that has been made in this area and the challenges to be met. Methodology: the research is exploratory and descriptive, based on relationships widely studied in theory to create a conceptual framework that supports the study of the most important variables. The study is cross-sectional, a mixed approach (qualitative-quantitative) was used. Results: the analyzed variables allow inferring the reality of disability in Ecuador from various angles, some of them being the labor and educational fields. Conclusions: based on the results obtained, it can be concluded at a general level that Ecuador has extensive regulations that seek to guarantee the rights of people with disabilities, but there is still much to be done in terms of inclusion.
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