Evaluation of the type and production characteristics of Holstein cattle from Pacaguan Farm
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The "evaluation of the type and production characteristics in Holstein cattle was carried out in the" Pacaguan Cattle, located in the Quimiag parish (La Candelaria) of the Penipe Canton, the method used for this research was the correlation coefficient and descriptive statistics for To check the hypotheses, the experimental units were carried out by sixty bovines (Holstein breed) in the production stage. When carrying out the evaluation in Holstein cows in the “Pacaguan” farm, the following results were observed, the highest variables were: location of anterior teats with a value of 4.48, locomotion of 7.07, femoral coxus position of 5.28, length of teats 5.35, angle of hooves 5.12, rear legs side view of 5.32, depth of the udder of 5.67 and inclination value of 4.67 points correspondingly, since the lowest data were recorded in: the anterior insertion of the udder with 5.90, height of the udder rear 5.72 and width of the rear udder with 4.47 points. In the type-production correlation the most relevant characteristics are; udder inclination with a high positive relationship of 0.932 of bilateral significance, in addition to the width of the croup, a low positive relationship was obtained with 0.224 of significance. Concluding that when using bulls with excellent indices of udder components, being one of the detrimental criteria in the dairy herd. It is essential to keep functional, healthy cows in the herd that stop every year, for this it is essential to select bulls for artificial insemination that combine with the characteristics of longevity, production and type.
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