Comprehensive assessment of physical condition in ESPOCH students: A timely diagnosis.

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Luis Gustavo Díaz
Pablo Luis Lomas Badillo
Jorge Giovanny Tocto Lobato
Olguer Fabián Sánchez Espinoza


Introduction. Studying the physical condition of university students from the approach of timely diagnosis, continues to be an aspect of great importance and utility, however, it is not always possible to merge all the necessary components that allow a comprehensive assessment of the physical condition of young students.  Objective. To provide a system of indicators for the comprehensive assessment of the physical condition of university students, from the point of view of timely diagnosis. Methodology. The type of research was descriptive through a mixed approach, articulating quantitative and qualitative elements, accompanied by the use of theoretical and empirical methods. The sample was selected intentionally under the inclusion criteria of studying at the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo (ESPOCH) in 7 faculties, being made up of 1097 students. We worked with different instruments which allowed us to make a single measurement. Results. 1. A system of indicators adapted to the characteristics and conditions of the participants is provided, which contributed to a comprehensive assessment of the physical condition of the participating students. 2. The importance and usefulness of timely diagnosis of the physical condition of the evaluated students is reaffirmed as an essential aspect for their integral development. Conclusions. The study of physical condition, carried out in a timely manner in the university student population, is very useful; It favors, through the recognition of the evaluation indicators, the establishment of intervention strategies aimed at improving the quality of life of the university student population and providing viable solutions for the prevention of possible diseases and the optimization of the individual performance of each student.


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How to Cite
Díaz, L. G., Lomas Badillo, P. L., Tocto Lobato, J. G., & Sánchez Espinoza, O. F. (2021). Comprehensive assessment of physical condition in ESPOCH students: A timely diagnosis. ConcienciaDigital, 4(1.2), 390-404.


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